Showing 13–15 of 15 results

Palace Sauce and Ampesi

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Kontomire (Palava Sauce) is one of our favorite stews accompanied with Ampesi or Rice. Ampesi is any meal of either boiled yam/ plantain/cocoyam/cassava or a mix of any two.

Peanut Butter Soup

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Our delicious peanut butter soup contains: Onions, tomatoes, okras, pepper, protein falafels, freshly grated ginger, bay leaves, grounded peanut butter.

Red Red

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! One of the top three street foods in Ghana is Red Red, combined with gari & fried plantain. This Ghanaian dish is as popular as Macaroni pie in Barbados.