Showing 10–15 of 15 results

Kombucha Sorrel

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Sorrel infused Kombucha is a fascinating flowery blend. It has the ability to improve your vision, slow aging and strengthen your immune system. It may also protect against cancer and diabetes. Trust your gut with our super probiotic supplement. Just add a 1/4 cup to your favorite drink to boost nutrition.

Kombucha Tamarind

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Deliciously tangy, Tamarind Kombucha help ease stomach discomfort, helps digestion and manages obesity. It also protects against diabetes and non-communicable disease. Trust your gut with our super probiotic supplement. Just add a 1/4 cup to your favorite drink to boost nutrition.

Original Pumpkin Fritters

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Our original pumpkin fritters contains: 75% organic pumpkin. Bay leaf, spices, Bajan sugarcane juice, Himalayan salt.

Palace Sauce and Ampesi

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Kontomire (Palava Sauce) is one of our favorite stews accompanied with Ampesi or Rice. Ampesi is any meal of either boiled yam/ plantain/cocoyam/cassava or a mix of any two.

Peanut Butter Soup

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! Our delicious peanut butter soup contains: Onions, tomatoes, okras, pepper, protein falafels, freshly grated ginger, bay leaves, grounded peanut butter.

Red Red

šŸšš FREE Delivery with our $180 weekly Subscription Box! One of the top three street foods in Ghana is Red Red, combined with gari & fried plantain. This Ghanaian dish is as popular as Macaroni pie in Barbados.